Goal of IC4You2

Gathering of knowledge and information concerning forensic police investigation – methods, – techniques etc. And making this better accessible firstly to all Forensic Police Experts(FE) and secondly to public institutes or entities.

Give access and information on current applied forensic police investigation – methods, – techniques etc. This knowledge is essential and lacking information will negatively influence FE end product or result.

Worldwide there are FE within their respective organizations, where there is insufficiency and no foresight which is required to guarantee the needed knowledge and information for doing an accurate and just investigation.

In finding the objective truth FE worldwide want to stand for an accurate investigation based on justice. Which implies that FE outside the Netherlands, if they have a membership of IPA FPE, will also make use of our services. The aim lies in the profession and the key of judicial police force does not have be limited by borders, but rather their results add value to the community in general and as a whole, and for this reason it is important that country borders are not important and are not playing a role whatsoever.

Yes,up-to-date information for professional is crucial, also in law enforcement/police so they get more grip on their professionalism, because it influence in the end result of their work, which again is important to safety in our community.

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