Register of Forensic Expert (FE) It’s a step on to more transparency; that when people wants to know if a certified expert was involved (by code) they can check that it was a FE who does its work in according the basic principles of IPA FPE.

The purpose of this register is:

Having a good overview and understanding on how and where registered FE members, in terms of expertise, experience, work organization and location are settled.

  • Participants can contact for specific questions or commitment to help.
  • Tracking the status of FE participants with a STE- note with a view to a possible use for advice and / or control activity.- note with a view to a possible use for advice and / or control activity.
  • To quickly and adequately respond to requests for practical forensic investigation knowledge, insight with questions and / or, advice on short and / or long term.
  • Third, on the basis of a specific combination (name + expertise code) verify whether a person is qualified (an answer can be short with: Yes or No, or not registered) (A possible future model).

The accountability of the Register of FE lies with at IC4You2 because they look at the personal technical and legal status side to ensures that deployment onto a STE programs needs this.

The registration itself is voluntary and is grafted on participation of FE participants in Short Term Expert (STE) projects.For the FE with an STE-note this means that they can get more satisfaction from their professional expertise and there also will get more recognition for.

Use as a STE only those of government agencies and / or institutions pursuing a specific forensic knowledge. This has everything to do with the very rapid changes in the methods of the investigation etc. This takes time and research the requesting party affairs may otherwise be lost if this knowledge is not up-to-date. FE are outstanding experts, at that area can help, as a practitioner, by providing insight into the matter.

It is important however:

The higher the number of registered FE’s, the greater the guarantee that there are many forensic investigation knowledge available to others. This is of great importance for the public sector, particularly the case here is a great shortage of practical knowledge forensic investigation. Within those judgements in cases where forensic investigation is part of the criminal inquiry often held by the Public insufficient knowledge can lead to the shelving of the case and will therefore win the counterparty. With our help you can just decide to come in research matters with forensic issues. This has a positive effect on Justice, Jurisdiction, Police and Society.

Fore more info on STE Click here

FE register application Click here

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